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4 Ways You Can Protect the MN Historic Tax Credit

Rethos has been hard at work at the Capitol, trying to protect our Historic Tax Credit and keep the momentum of building rehabilitation activity all across the state.

Since 2018, we’ve had numerous bills introduced in the MN House and Senate that would:

  1. retain the HTC as a single, refundable credit (not conforming to changes at the Federal level that require the credit to be spread over five years),

  2. eliminate the sunset date (currently June 30, 2021) and

  3. allow the credit to be transferred more than once.

While the MN Legislature has been holding monthly special sessions through the summer, those brief sessions have been focused on the Governor’s emergency powers and COVID response. We are not letting up on our Historic Tax Credit Advocacy leading into the regular 2021-2022 Legislative session, which starts January 5, 2021.

We cannot protect the Minnesota Historic Tax Credit without your help! Here are four, easy ways that you can do your part to help our communities in Minnesota.

  1. Join our Advocacy Coalition as we head into the 2021 Legislative session! Contact our Policy Director Erin at with the subject "Advocacy Coalition" to learn more about this coalition’s role over the coming months.

  2. Ask your Legislative candidates to complete our candidate survey.

  3. Sign up for our Policy Updates to stay informed

  4. VOTE on Tuesday, November 3 – or earlier in-person or by mail-in ballot. Find out more here.


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75 West 5th Street,

Fifth Floor South

Saint Paul, MN 55102


Winona Office
163 East 2nd Street
Winona, MN 55987

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222 E Superior Street
Ste 322
Duluth, MN 55802

EIN: 41-1427970


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