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Education Class Pricing

At Rethos, we want our classes to be accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of income or financial situation. In 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic added financial stress for many folks, we wanted to keep rehab education affordable. We introduced sliding scale pricing, where each class has up to four different price options from which to choose.

Moving into 2022, we’re sticking with this sliding scale system, and we want to be transparent about how we determine prices.

When you register for a Rethos class, you’ll see four price options. We invite you to select the price that fits your budget best.

First is General Admission. This is our standard, suggested rate. Typically, we charge $15 for one hour of education and $10 for every additional hour. A 3-hour class will cost $35, for example. Classes with more hard costs, like tools and supplies, might cost a bit more. Classes with additional external support like a sponsor or grant might cost a bit less.

In addition to general admission, you’ll see three sliding scale price options.

Sliding Scale Option #1 is the lowest option. It is anywhere from $0 up to one-third of the general admission fee.

Sliding Scale Option #2 is the mid-range option. It’s usually half of general admission fee, up to two-thirds of general admission.

Sliding Scale Option #3 is the highest option. It includes a donation on top of the general admission fee. The above-and-beyond gift supports Rethos' goal to make rehab and maintenance skills available to all. Your gift will directly support low or no-cost admission for those who need it.

A note for real estate agents: when you register for a continuing education class, please select the “Minnesota Real Estate Agent” price option. These prices reflect costs associated with administration of the continuing education program. Even if a class is open to the public and has several sliding scale price options, please register at the real estate agent rate in order to receive CE credit.

Any questions about this structure? Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Ready to register? Check out our current class calendar here. See you in class!


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Saint Paul Office

75 West 5th Street,

Fifth Floor South

Saint Paul, MN 55102


Winona Office
163 East 2nd Street
Winona, MN 55987

Duluth Office
222 E Superior Street
Ste 322
Duluth, MN 55802

EIN: 41-1427970


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