We are pleased to announce the 2023 Preservation Award Winners. The awards were handed out at our Nov. 2 Preservation Port of Call Gala.

Outstanding Preservation Volunteers
Winners: Grant Johnson & Dina Johnson
Rethos recognizes that our work in historic preservation and building reuse depends upon the generous and enthusiastic support of our volunteers. We rely on volunteers to welcome guests to dozens of venues during Doors Open Minneapolis, teach DIY homeowner classes, help with important research and office responsibilities, and the list goes on. Nominees for this award have demonstrated a particularly stellar capacity to represent Rethos while sharing their time and energy in the furtherance of our mission.

Outstanding Preservation Advocate
Winner: Melissa Wenzel, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Rethos appreciates the value of having leaders in the community who are passionate about saving historic structures. These voices are critical to our work in public policy, community engagement, economic revitalization, environmental stewardship, and delivering our programs across Minnesota and beyond. Nominees for this award have been articulate and effective proponents for Rethos and our mission of historic preservation and building reuse.

Outstanding Historic Tax Credit Project
Winner: Seven Acre Dairy Co., Belleville, WI, Nic Mink
Rethos and our friends have worked hard to establish and protect Minnesota’s State Historic Tax Credit (HTC) as a vital tool to incent building owners and property developers to go the extra mile and rehabilitate historic structures rather than demolish them to make way for new construction. The results are beautiful, innovative, and unique spaces that people love. The nominees for this award are projects that have made use of the HTC and created special places that tell our stories.

Innovative Building Reuse Project
Winner: Emanuelson Podas Headquarters
Edina, Minnesota
Rethos celebrates the creativity and imagination of those who turn their vision for an older building into a shining example of building reuse. Not all historic rehabilitation projects make use of the Historic Tax Credit to achieve their successful transformation, yet we are delighted to recognize the forward thinking, innovative, and exciting ways in which these projects revitalized old buildings for new uses. Nominees for this award are outstanding examples of places reimagined.

New Preservation Project
Winners: Lift Bridge Co-work, Stillwater, MN, Jill Kaufenberg
Traditional Construction Services, Brad Smith
Imprint Artchitecture & Design
Rethos is committed to expanding participation in the field of historic preservation and building reuse to include everyone with a passion to save old buildings. Nominees for this award are especially important in that they are projects led by newer voices in the profession, often as a first foray into historic rehabilitation.

Lighthouse Award for Achievements in Historic Preservation
Winner: Joe Hayes, Hayes Window Restoration
Rethos recognizes that achieving success in the field of historic preservation often rewards those who devote significant investments of time and talent. Entire careers have begun with a curiosity around old buildings and have blossomed into expertise and leadership that guide the rest of us on our own journeys. Nominees for this award have demonstrated sustained passion for historic preservation, as well as a remarkable body of work that contributes to the field itself.

We also took a moment to honor individuals from our hard-working board and staff.
Rethos Board & Staff Recognition:
Steve Knight, Board of Directors

Ethan Boote, Director of Real Estate

Erin Hanafin Berg, Director of Rethos Policy Institute & Deputy Director

The evening continued with improv entertainment provided by The Theater of Public Policy.
It was a glittering gathering of preservation friends. Thanks to our presenting sponsor National Window Associates for making the evening possible.
Gala photos by Viva Yang.