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March Policy Update


Update on MN Historic Tax Credit Sunset Extension

Bills that would remove the sunset date on the MN Historic Tax Credit have now been heard in both the MN House and Senate Taxes committees. Excellent testimony from representatives of the Minnesota Building & Construction Trades Council, Reclaim Community, and Seward Redesign presented a strong case for the continuation of the Historic Tax Credit. Many thanks to testifiers Adam Duininck, David Ybarra, Chris Sherman, Elicia Kortus, and Taylor Smrikárova. Watch the MN House hearing from 2/23 here (starting at 3:54) and the Senate hearing from 2/16 here (starting at 47:20). And if you haven’t already seen the video highlighting the rehabilitation of the Ely State Theater, watch that on the RevitalizeMN webpage or Facebook page.

Sign up to receive our Policy Update emails to make sure you have the most current information about our advocacy efforts at the State Capitol. We're counting on you to help us pass an extension to the Minnesota Historic Tax Credit, funding support for Main Streets, policies that encourage sustainable building rehabilitation, and more.

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