Minnesota Main Street programs have led such incredible efforts in their historic downtown and neighborhood districts in the past year. From public celebrations, investment projects in historic buildings, to advocating for new policy, our Main Street leaders have made significant changes in their communities. Today we want to take the opportunity to celebrate 5 specific awards, honoring people’s efforts to make their downtowns better places. These awards are highlighting projects and initiatives that have gone above and beyond the base work of Main Street programming in the last year. Each award celebrates one of the Four Points of the Main Street Approach: Organization, Promotion, Design, and Economic Vitality, with our fifth award celebrating someone who is part of a Main Street program that has been a catalyst for major change in their district.
Marketing Excellence Award
Willmar Main Street for the “What’s Up Willmar” social media series
Public and/or Private Rehab Project Award
Olivia Corncade
Response & Rally Award
Northfield Third Thursdays Downtown
Community Mobilization Award
Sue Mundy and Wabasha’s “Public Places are Sacred Spaces” Mural
Local Lightning Rod Award
Mary Flicek - Wabasha Main Street
Congratulations to all these communities, their local Main Street Staff, Board, Committees, and Volunteers.