Each year the Minnesota Main Street communities have the opportunity to apply for Technical Assistance Funds to aid in specific downtown projects. These funds have had significant impacts on the Main Street Districts, allowing improvements and assistance in downtowns in ways that would have been impossible to fund otherwise. Check out a sampling of the 2019 projects in two of our designated Main Street Communities: New Ulm and Wabasha.
New Ulm
Parking is a hot topic, and knowing where and how long to park is an issue everywhere. New Ulm is being proactive with their parking conversation, and recently placed bright and attention grabbing parking information signs in their municipal lots. These bright, beautiful signs have been a great addition, and a welcome piece of information, for both New Ulm residents and Visitors.

Wabasha may be a small city, but they’re thinking big! With significant development and attention being paid to downtown Wabasha by locals and visitors alike, their Main Street Program is taking strides to change the day-to-day vibe in downtown Wabasha. With their 2019 Technical Assistance Funds they had a local artist design banners which were installed earlier this summer.

Check out more about Rethos Main Streets and learn how you can get involved!